Thursday, September 24, 2009

RJA #6a: Periodical Articles

Type of Material: Serial (Periodical, Newspaper, etc.)
Main Title: Death penalty reporter.
Published/Created: Houston, Tex., National College for Criminal Defense.
Description: 1 v. 28 cm.
v. 1; Sept. 1980-Aug. 1981.
ISSN: 0272-7617
had periodical text sent to email

RJA #6b: Search Strings

Good point Joelle...
Old search string:
(crimina* OR felon OR delinq*) AND (life NEAR sentence)
(criminal* OR felon OR delinquent*) AND (life NEAR sentence)

RJA #6c: Protopage

RSS Feeder

Monday, September 21, 2009

RJA #5a: Reference Articles

--The New York Times
November 18, 2007 Sunday
Late Edition - Final
Section 1; Column 0; Metropolitan Desk; Pg. 2

The question of whether the death penalty deters murders has captured the attention of scholars in law and economics, setting off an intense new debate about one of the central justifications for capital punishment. According to roughly a dozen recent studies, executions save lives. For each inmate put to death, the studies say, 3 to 18 murders are prevented.


RJA #5b: Books

Title: Death Penalty: A Worldwide Perspective
Author: Roger G. Hood
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Pub. Date: November 2002
Edition Description: Third Edition

Pages 170: The Question of Cost
Title: Capital punishment as moral imperative: Pro-death-penalty discourse on the Internet
Database Name:
Copyright: Copyright Sage Publications. All rights reserved.
All Authors / Contributors: Mona Lynch
ISSN: 1462-4745
Description: 24
Language Note: English
Year: 2002
Publisher: Sage Publications
Accession No: 1462474514624_7452_00204014_2_2_132_360_22690
Article Type: Research Article
Source: 4, no. 2 (2002): 213-236 Punishment & Society
OCLC No.: 359618103

RJA #5c: Search String Check



Sunday, September 20, 2009

RJA #4a: Keywords

Why should criminals sentenced to life be put to death?
Is it more cost effective to euthanize inmates serving a life sentence?

Criminal...............Sentenced........... Life............Death
Criminate............. Sentences........... Lived...........Dead

Criminal: Delinquent, crook, culprit, convict, lawbreaker, felon, hooligan...
Sentence: Condemnation, dictum, edict, punishment, verdict, confine, adjudge...
Life: Span
Death: Annihilation, mortality, destruction, decease, expiration...

RJA# 4b: Search Strings

Search strings:

(crimina* OR felon OR delinq*) AND (life NEAR sentence)

abolish* AND (life NEAR sentence)

RJA #4c: Research Question Check

Estevan - Political Art

Matt - Nutrition, tampering

Thursday, September 3, 2009

RJA #3a: Exploring Research Topic

Usually the info I find is about a specific state usually Florida ( who knows why) but I want to write my paper referring to the whole nation.
-There are currently approx 140,600 criminals serving life
-cost per day varies by prison but approx $65
what I did find out and it is something hard to counter is that many sentenced to life are sentenced thus because of the "3 strikes and you're out" type of deal and it could be for minor reasons, But really if thery are kept in prison they'll just keep continuing their way of life gradually increasing the level if their crimes.

RJA #3b: Narrowing Research Topic

My topic -Abolish the Life Sentence for the Death Penalty- seems pretty narrow...
But I could narrow my topic down to here in CO. instead of the whole nation

The points:
- Cost comparison
- Employ money for better use
- There isn't any reason for them to be kept alive

RJA #3c: Developing Research Question


Why should criminals sentenced to life be put to death and what are the benefits of doing so?
Who that currently serve life sentences qualify for the death penalty? (murderers and rapists and not the 3 strike people)
How much money could we be saving if the life sentence was abolished?

I like all the questions I can't choose which ones to eliminate.