Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Extra Credit

I did four different lenses

15 b Reflection on What You Learned

I definitly learned to be more organized in my writing and a great way to do it is by bookmarking all my sources i find in the internet using a delicious account. It is more effective than printing or writing everything out. I wouldn't necessarily use a blog, it was very hard for me to keep track of things there, but it was a neat idea. By doing good reasearch I discovered writing a 12 page essay isnt too daunting, I had also never written such a long paper and this class helped me at last make one. What did affect me a lot though was what I liked so much, having everything done by the internet. There were countless times my computer crashed and erased all my work and prevented me from logging on to the class wiki, perhaps many didn't experience these problems but finally experiencing them disheartened me from having everything solely done online. Either way I'm positive that getting to know many helpful resources online will help me a lot in future essays.

15a word cloud


Thursday, November 19, 2009

RJA #14: Annotated Bibliography, Part 2

Banda, Solomon. "Corrections budget cuts take effect in Colorado." Denver Post 1 Sept. 2009. Web. 19 Nov. 2009.

Crist , Charlie , and Walter A. McNeil. "Statistics In Brief." Florida Department of Corrections Ed. Paula Bryant. N.p., June 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2009.

Moore, Soloman . "Number of Life Terms Hits Record." The New York Times 22 July 2009. Web. 19 Nov. 2009.

Hood, Roger G. Death Penalty: A Worldwide Perspective. Third Edition ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. 170. Print.

Liptak, Adam . "Does Death Penalty Save Lives? A New Debate." The New York Times 18 Nov. 2007. 170. Web. 19 Nov. 2009.